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Single House Silk Pillowcase - Pink

Single House Silk Pillowcase -  Pink - Ultimate Balayage
Single House Silk Pillowcase -  Pink - Ultimate Balayage
Single House Silk Pillowcase -  Pink - Ultimate Balayage

Silk Pillowcase Pink. Wake up with gorgeous hair with the pink House Silk Pillowcase. The smooth silk fabric helps reduce tangles, breakage and frizz. 

Sleeping on a silk pillowcase is a really simple way to keep your hair and skin healthy and hydrated while speeding up your morning hair routine. Regular cotton pillowcases zap moisture from your hair and roughen up the cuticle. This creates dryness, frizz and disrupts the curl pattern. Silk absorbs significantly less, leaving moisture levels intact.

Size: 48x74cm

Single House Silk Pillowcase -  Pink - Ultimate Balayage
Single House Silk Pillowcase -  Pink - Ultimate Balayage
Single House Silk Pillowcase -  Pink - Ultimate Balayage